Contact us

You can contact us through our contact form "Contact Us", by email "".

By email: Within 24 hours (excluding weekends & holidays)

Delivery & Return

With UPS: 1 to 2 working days

You can track your order :

With UPS : Track my order

About our products

No, all our products are made from grapes or vine plant extracts and do not contain any wine or alcohol.

All our products are developed and manufactured in France by our partner laboratories.

You can recycle your empty bottles and tubes by disposing of them properly in bins designated for glass, while tubes can be simply thrown away with household waste.

Because all our products contain many natural raw materials, their colors and fragrances may slightly vary from one production to another. Storage conditions can also affect the appearance of our formulas. This does not detract from their effectiveness.

If you experience a skin reaction after using a Vinésime product, immediately stop using it and contact us at If you can provide us with photos, it would be very helpful. Our dermatologist will carefully examine your situation to determine the cause of your reaction and assist you in the most appropriate way.

All our products are unisex and can be used by both women and men.